ok I finally got several other issues fixed however I am stuck on getting ADNM past the point of finding the local SQL server. I have tried using the actual server name, "local"m “localhost” and even the IP and each time it responds it is unable to connect to the SQL server. I have changed the name of the database to be created plus the SA password and still the same problems.
I’d like to evaluate Avast.
I’m installing ADNM in a server where has already installed MS SQL 2000 Server.
During the installation, it show as on attached.
The name server and sa password are right.
I don’t know what I’ve to do.
Oh, now I understand. This is because of the trailing \avast in the SQL Server specification.
The word AVAST is considered as a name of a SQL instance. I assume your SQL instance is unnamed (it’s the main, first instance) and therefore, you need to fill in the name of the server without the \avast instance name…
It’s working.
I’ve uninstalled, I’ve re-installing, I’ve restarted a couple of time.
I don’t know what happen, I don’t know why and how but it’s working.
I soppuse W2k3 and SQL2000 are a strange mix, sometime.