Scam Emails To Avoid!

yes you where reading correct

Today i recived the following txt message on my cell phone
( sendt from +447974271833 )

Blackberry RIM has awarded you 2.000.000 Million pounds
For claims email NAME,COUNTRY to:

Holy cow…am i lucky or what?
next week i will have a s**t load of money ;D

i will of course respond to this scam with one of my bullshit mail addresses and see what happens ;D i guess tons of spam

Sounds like fun. I did something like that many years ago with a scam
from a former minister of finance from an African country. ;D ;D

oh you know him too ??? ;D

and since i am a kind person, i will share the money with you…
so anyone that wants a piece of the cake may respond to the above mail address and make your claim ;D

@ Pondus
I bet you don’t even have a Blackberry phone ;D

Nope… only seen pictures of it… ;D

OBS: do you think that means i will not get the money :-[

No problem, they will probably trust you ;D

Lucky dog! :wink:

Wow. Let’s get the party started. ;D

And don’t forget to bring good looking women :wink:

you want little Mice lady or Fat Cat…

There was an example of this scam on the F-Secure weblog today. They actually tried to call the number in the scam:

It’s nice to see they are using avast! :slight_smile:

Oh cool…

But you know, spammers are make $billions every year because people are so stupid to believe that they won something they didn’t participate. It doesn’t even fix inside the common sense box that you won something that you didn’t participate but still many people will believe it.

Share me some moneys after you done it. ;D lol

Oddly, while I get those emails from time to time, I got a surprise a few days ago when one “advised” me I was supposedly a jackpot winner in one I actually do, once in a blue moon, buy tickets for, Canada’s 6/49. Still a scam, obviously, but maybe they’re actually paying a little attention to things like geographic location, for a change.

Even most (relatively) legit telemarketers can’t be bothered with bothersome details like demographics … it’s amazing the number of calls I get from home-repair operations who are pretty obviously unhappy to learn that I’m a tenant in a fairly large apartment complex. ;D

it's amazing the number of calls I get from home-repair operations who are pretty obviously unhappy to learn that I'm a tenant in a fairly large apartment complex
Don't they have a "do not call list" in Canada ??? It works wonders here. I hardly ever get those annoying calls. :)

Hi Bob,

Yes we do, but I’ve never bothered with it. Anyone I’ve ever done any business with, any charity, and there’s one more category I forget, are exempted from the do-not-call restrictions. We just watch the caller ID on any long-distance calls, and ignore anything from toll-free numbers (used by the vast majority of telemarketers) or where the ID is “unavailable”. And of course if the number shows as all zeros, that’s a stupid dead-giveaway.

I am very disappointed…no responce…not even a spam post

so looks like there is no money for me :cry:

No party then…?? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:
Guess your ISP filtered the spam…