i registered for the free avast antivirus program around March 10, 2012. it should be good for one year, shouldn’t it? now i have a problem. the lady still talks and tells me avast is doing its thing, but a notice comes up which reads “your subscription for free avast antiviral is about to expire (in less than 10 days). it is recommended to update it as soon as possible.” when i click to update i become confused. it seems to want me to subscribe to a pay for service system. i think i did something, not sure what, and there was a request to register for free anti virus. this asked me for my name, email address,country, and would i be likely to recommend avast to a friend. i typed in this information, but became bemused as it didn’t seem to work. has this happened to you?? any suggestions as to what i should do. all this computer business is getting me down. Do you think this is a scam?
What is the date on your computer, is it correct ?
If your date/time is correct, then it just sounds like something I ran into once, when you try to register it just fails sometimes. You complete the form, but when you try to enter it, it acts like nothing happened and asks you to fill in the info again and again.
You could try the offline registration method>>http://www.avast.com/registration-free-antivirus.php