Hi … I have avast 4 home version and i am using windows xp pro … I done a virus scan on my computer and i notice afterward that my setting in the outlook express was changed … In my pop and smtp area both had this … Now why did that happen and what is the best way to perform a scan ??? Or what is it that i have done wrong ??? Thanks
The change has been done by avast! Mail Protection Wizard - to enable the e-mail protection. Is there any problem about it? (i.e. can you send/received your e-mail?)
Hi … I am not sure whether if i could or couldn’t because i made the changes back before i could notice … If it happen again i will let you know whether i can send and receive emails … Thanks
Well, it won’t happen again by itself. Either you run the Mail Protection Wizard that will set the values back, or you keep your original ones and your e-mail will not be protected by avast!.
You may find this thread of help (they found the answer in avast’s FAQ).