I get this error when Avast tries to scan the Cd Rw drive: 5/31/2008 6:57:27 PM SYSTEM 1432 AAVM - scanning warning: x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx [UNI]: D:\A Pony’s Life.doc (D:\A Pony’s Life.doc) returning error, 00000005.
A Pony’s Life is my story that I’m writing in case you were wondering. What is causing that and can it be fixed please?
Well error 00000005 (5) is Access is denied, which is somewhat strange for a document on a CD.
How to resolve it I don’t really have any suggestions as any denied access is usually set by a program or user ???
Thank you for trying to help me and I’m using Sonic’s Drive Letter Access program to burn my story to a cd recordable disk. Does this help any?
I’m not familiar with that program so I can’t say but if it locks CD drives (letters) perhaps yes.