Scan fails when scanning my wi-fi

I recently developed a problem with AMS: When it tries to scan my wi-fi, it scans for a few seconds, then fails. This happens with both of my wi-fi networks. However, when I scan the wi-fi at work, it scans fine.

I have tried clearing app cache.
I have tried clearing app data.
I have tried clearing the cache partition from the phone’s recovery mode menu.
None of these fixed the problem.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 Active (SM-G891A) running Nougat (Android 7.0). AMS version 6.1.2-315284-47f7c5f.

Please help. Constantly seeing the notification that says “[SSID] may be risky” every time I’m connected to my network is driving me crazy!

Hi, this is most probably caused by some specific settings of your network (perhaps your router has some security system of its own).
To disable the notifications please follow these instructions:

  • open the Avast Mobile Security app
  • tap the “three-lines icon” in the upper left corner of the screen to bring the menu
  • in the menu select “Settings”
  • tap on “Notifications”
  • right there turn the “Potential Wi-Fi issues” off

Thank you for your reply.

That does take care of the notification problem. The weird thing is, though this problem started a few weeks ago, I hadn’t changed any settings on my networks or routers for at least a few years. That’s what led me to believe that a recent AMS update may have done it.

Our developers checked the issue and found what could actually be the cause of it. With high probability, the failing of Wi-Fi scan feature hangs with the built-in “Smart network switch” feature in Samsung phones. You may find it here:

  • go to your device’s settings
  • select “Wi-Fi”
  • in the upper right corner tap on “Advanced”
  • right on the first place you should find the “Smart network switch”

If this setting is on, then every time when the signal of Wi-Fi is “bad”, your phone starts using mobile data. However, the Wi-Fi scan does not work with mobile data - causing it to fail. Try to disable the “Smart network switch” and run the Wi-Fi scan again. This time it should work.

Okay, I went into my settings and made sure Smart Network Switching was turned off (it already was), and tried again. Unfortunately , it still failed about five seconds into the scan. I even tried it sitting five feet from the wireless router, with the connection indicator showing full signal strength.

This is definitely a head-scratcher!

Maybe it is your router what doesn’t let the Wi-fi scan to complete. Could you please send us what type of router and its firmware version you have? We will try to reproduce the issue here in Avast.

Router 1 (used as internet gateway):
Make/Model: Pace Plc 5268AC (AT&T Uverse)

Router 2 (used as ethernet/wifi switch, uses Router 1 as gateway):
Make/Model: Netgear WNDR3300
Firmware: V1.0.45_1.0.45NA

I started having a similar problem. My WiFi settings haven’t changed recently but Avast now tells me after a scan that it’s not encrypted. From the scanning progress it seems that it’s unable to check the password.

I have a Lenovo ZUK Z1 (no Samsung-like settings), my router is a Speedport W 724V and I’m using WPA2 PSK.

Hi, we tried to ask several colleagues, but noone knows why your scans fail.
Here is a list of possible reasons, you can try to check them:

  • firewall in the mobile phone
  • VPN
  • proxy
  • unusual network configuration
  • inability to find Internet Gateway
  • some security solution of the router

If I find any other useful information, I will get back to you immediately.

Just a thought…

briandoe1, are you using multiple SSID’s ?

A different SSID for each radio, yes.

I’m having exactly the same problem! And yes it’s driving me insane! It’s not my router as it’s happening on whatever wifi I’m connected to, home, work or friends! I also have a Samsung galaxy s7. Now I don’t know if I’m protected or not which concerns me as I do alot of online banking :see_no_evil:

I’ve just noticed something that might help nail down the problem, maybe: When I’m at home and do a WiFi scan, it shows “Scanning”, with the WiFi SSID I’m connected to. When the scan fails, the screen turns from orange to grey, then shrinks and has a “Try Again” button. Above that button, it shows - not my current SSID, but the SSID of my WiFi at work (which does pass scan)! Given that work is over 35 miles away and I can’t possibly be connected to its WiFi, I find this rather peculiar. Again, I cleared all my caches, but it’s still doing it.

Hi, we have not been able to reproduce it yet.

But we already know that when the problem occurs, it is important that you do not have both wifi and 4G (or any other connection) icons in the status bar. Our suspicion is incompatibility with the Samsung Smart Network feature, which combines wifi and mobile data.

We keep on investigating the issue, but it is a tricky one.

I have just started having the same problem. Have not changed any setting and same router and password I have always had. It worked fine before, now fails every time.

Hopefully this might shed further light on the problem and lead to a resolution.

I have AMS pro 6.1.3 on a Samsung Galaxy S7 (running Nougat) and also on A Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 (2016) (running Marshmallow)

On my home network:
On the Galaxy S7 - Scan fails!
On the Galaxy Tab A6 - Scan succeeds

On my daughter’s network
On the Galaxy S7 - Scan succeeds
on the Galaxy Tab A6 - Scan succeeds

I’m joining the others having the problem with the WiFi Scanner. I always have my mobile data off when I’m home and on WiFi, so I know it’s not the SmartSwitch conflict you’ve suggested. I’ve also never changed any setting on the router. Galaxy 7 Edge.

With so many users with the same problem, how is it possible for Avast to not be able to get this fixed?

we are not able to reproduce it here even on the combination of reported devices and routers. But we probably finally found the source of this issue. In some cases, it is not possible to get Wi-Fi BSSID from a device. The workaround for this is to get BSSID from a list of nearby networks, which requires location permission. So could you pls try to manually enable the location permission for Avast Mobile Security, if the issue still persists? And please let us know if it really helped. Thank you.

Hi, this issue should be fixed in 6.5.0 version.

My two cents: I usually keep android geolocation disabled. Today I enabled it, and now after lots of annoying risky notifications, scan succeeds!
Honestly, I don’t know if I have solved my issue, but I hope so.

I have a Samsung S7 mobile on a Tp-Link Archer D7 / Technicolor TG789VAC V2 WiFi LAN

Sorry if silly
hope this helps