the scanner seams to be scanning just fine until it gets to a folder with alot of html files
C:\Users\All Users\Macromedia\Flash 8\en\Configuration\HelpPanel\Help\ActionScriptLangRef
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Documentation
at which point the scan simply stops. it still looks like its running but the total tested files never increases, its just stuck.
and when i try to stop the scan the program stops responding and vista can’t turn it off without a system restart.
Not a vista expert here but I would not want to exclude any flash or script folders
update avast, rt click the ball and schedule a boot time scan include everything archives etc
when you have time reboot
let’s make sure you are clean
someone else may ask you for a log or something to diagnose the halt problem
Please enable the creation of the report file in avast! settings, and let everything (even “OK files”) be included in the report.
When the scan freezes again and you close the scanner, check the end of the report (which might be quite big). What does it say?