scan just stops when it gets to a particular folder

I just installed Avast, and so far I’m impressed. I did, however, notice that a full scan keeps getting hung up on a folder that has some really big AVI video files. Avast says the scan is still running, but the number of files scanned stays the same. Any idea what’s happening?

I dont think you have to worry about AVI files getting infected. The Simple way to fix this is to add that folder to the exclude list.

Large files can take a long time to scan, nothing abnormal about that. It can also be there is a little problem with the file/folder.

  1. Run defrag
  2. Run checkdsk
  3. Then scan

Or as exclude those files from scanning. .avi theirselfs can’t do much harm. It is howevre possible to let a .avi file open a website automaticly…