First time posting to just about any forum so, please, be gentle.
On Windows 7 64-bit Home edition I using the newest Avast! 7.
After a very thorough scan, including a removable HD I use as a back-up drive G: (using Windows’ native back-up software) and then a Boot Scan (as recommended by results of first scan) the one trouble I am getting that I cannot figure out certainly on my own:
Many files on my G: drive are showing up in the scan log/report as “File is Decompression Bomb” and I cannot do anything. Yes, it is on a drive with many compressed files (backed up data). Also, it is showing it is associated with cache of older, uninstalled versions of Java. I have fixed the problem of Java remnants so a regular scan does not show these files.
Perhaps importantly, it is not finding these files from the most recent back-up sets (e.g., last night’s).
I am still concerned, despite all I have read, because the log/report shows Severity as HIGH. The status is always Threat: Java-Agent xxx.
I cannot copy and paste a screen shot for 2 reasons. One is it will not let me copy and past, and it is very long with many uniquely named files. -
And this is my second major issue: When I click in the log area, it suddenly goes milky white (white but translucent) and then Avast! is frozen solid. Task manager will not turn it off. The only way I can reset it is to re-boot the machine.
Should I continue my concern about the Decompression Bomb messages?
Why in the world is it causing Avast to fail on me?
BTW: Did I post this in the right place? I really have never understood forum posting (though otherwise pretty savvy with machines). And I never understand how it is, with all the posts in a forum, how anyone will come upon this question and take the time to answer it!
Thanks in advance for your time and help! Jessethelawyer >:(