Scan Logs & Virus Chest

I have been using avast! soly now for the last few years and recommend it to everybody I come into contact with. But I do have a couple of questions. I run different types of scans on a regular basis. Why does th scan log not show a list of all the previous scans completed along with the results, except for the last recent ones? And also, I have moved several files into the virus chest over the last couple of years, but again, only the most recent are displayed. What happens to these items? I’m especially concerned with the files - if they are not in the virus chest, where are they??

Settings / Maintenance / Delete scan logs older than…

I’m not aware of any Chest cleanup - so the files should be there (unless some kind of avast! reinstall happened in the past).

Did you reinstall avast? When uninstalled, all chested files and logs are removed…