How does one change the scan mode when doing full system scan
It says Scan Mode (Normal) but how do I change that to more thorough or other settings
How does one change the scan mode when doing full system scan
It says Scan Mode (Normal) but how do I change that to more thorough or other settings
You need to stop the scanning, change the setting and start again.
If you want to change the sensitivity I think you may have to either create a custom scan ( on scan computer page) or tick the show special scans in user interface box in settings page - both seem to allow you to set sensitivity.
From the Scan Now, Full System Scan, Moe Details, Performance and increase the Scan Priority, see image.
This has already been done, went through it thoroughly
Yet when I scan It STILL says Scan Mode NORMAL
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Well your image doesn’t even show the settings, all it shows is the expanded details. I don’t know if you have gone past that to the image I posted and set it to High and OKed your way out.
Also I don’t know if this sticks if you are using a limited users account ?
You can change the priority in the settings, but you can’t change the sensitivity. You’d have to create a custom scan for a high sensitivity full scan. Or, just use the boot-time scan. Hope this helps.
I would be a little bit wary of a boot time scan at high sensitivity unless you think you have a problem that isn’t being found in other ways.
I’m not sure the boot time scan has a check whitlelist -so you may get false positive problems (DavidR or Tech would know for sure).
Of course it didn’t show the settings as I had already said that these had been set - Just checked and they’re set correctly
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Yet it still say “Scan Mode Normal” when you run the scan
How I hate this compared to version 4
that’s because what you’ve set to high is the priority, which is how long the scan is going to take. you can’t change the sensitivity for the full scan
The scan priority and scan mode are two different things.
As has already been said, you cannot change the scan mode in the default scans, but you can create a scan and adjust the options there.
Tried that but there is NO thorough scan the only setting appear to be HIGH - Beginning to think I’m wasting my time with Avast
Have you tried to create a scan?
Once you create a custom scan, then you can change the settings…
The drop down selector was not working had to uninstall and re-install
Really can’t see that this is an upgrade from version 4 as it was made more complicated - thorough should be available as standard I should have to mess around to get to that.
It wasn’t broken so why fix it… Some have nothing better to do
Relating to thorough, that question has been answered by mag:
So click on the Custom Scan at the bottom of the page to create a scan, set the area, Scan; Sensitivity; Packers;
Personally I feel a Thorough scan (old 4.8 scan that doesn’t readily convert to 5.0) is overkill, this is what I thought of the thorough scan in avast 4.8 (see below) and creating a custom scan to do the same I feel the same way. The Full System Scan is more than adequate as it essentially scans files that are at risk of infection and or present an immediate risk if infected, there is little point in scanning files that aren’t at risk, .txt, .log, etc. etc.
Thorough is also by its design very thorough (it scans all files) and perhaps a little overkill for routine use, were a Standard scan without archives should be adequate. Archive (zip, rar, etc.) files are by their nature are inert, you need to extract the files and then you have to run them to be a threat. Long before that happens avast's Standard Shield should have scanned them and before an executable is run that is scanned.I have only ever done a Through Scan with Archives once shortly after installation just to ensure a clean start state, but with XP for example avast will do a boot-time scan after installation if you select it, this I believe will be quicker and reasonably effective. Like everything in life things are a compromise.
If you still feel you want it, then create the custom scan (give it an name) and set it to do what you want and that is it done, use that when you want to run what you are calling a Thorough scan, you only have to create it once.