Scan not working now.....

Hello folks,

First post, so please bear with me…

Last week Avast updated the system on my computer…so far so good. However, now when I try to do a full system scan, I simply get a ‘loading’ message, or ‘scan in progress’ which never ends and never moves past O%.
Having used Avast for the last 13 years I am delighted with the service and product, but this new system has got me totally stumped - and worried. I usually do a full system scan every week as part of my maintenance routine.

Does anybody else have any similar problems, or solutions please?

Many thanks in advance for all and any help.

Best regards,


PS. Computers are definitely not my thing I must admit here and now!:o

Thank you so much for that.

I now see that I am far from the only one having problems with the new updated version. :frowning: That sort of makes me feel a bit better knowing I am not alone.

Thanks again. :slight_smile:


You’re welcome.