Scan of Boot Record etc.


I’m new to this forum and to Avast free home edition. I’ve got two questions - firstly, when I try to schedule a boot scan I find that option is greyed out - can anyone please tell me how to activate this option? Secondly, is the boot scan a full scan or is it the sort of short scan that NAV and AVG botth schedule each time on boot-up?

Many thanks in advance,


firstly…the boot scan schedule can be found in the menu when you open your avast…it should not be greyed out… :wink:

secondly…if i remember correctly…a boot scan is a full scan…can be a thorough scan before you load windows… :wink:

lastly…post again here if you still encounter problems… ;D

Will, the boot time feature is grayed (disable) probably because you are using Windows 95, 98 or Me. This is a 2000/XP feature.

As shgoh said, you can configure what will be scanned and not just the ‘small’ itens of AVG and Norton. See the picture:

Ah, thanks to shgoh and Technical for these responses. I am using Win98SE, probably explains why I see this option greyed out.


sorry to reply to my own reply - but am I endangering my PC by not therefore having a boot time scan of any sort. That is, if Avast! is not able to do this scan under win98SE is it perhaps the wrong antivirus product to be using? Or is there another way I can effect such a scan?


The avast! boot-time scanner is a special module that can run on WinNT-platform only (because it uses special API available there).
For Win9x, a “similar option” would be using a DOS version of some antivirus - but it’s questionable if it’s really necessary. I don’t see any danger in boot-time scan not being available on your platform.

Igor, what about avast! for DOS? How is it hability to detect viruses if updated comparing to avast! for Windows (I mean, the virus database is the same?). I suppose the engine is not optimized and the Windows version would be quite better and secure… But if the user wants a boot-time scanning… ::slight_smile:

The virus database is generated from the same source - so the basic detection capabilities should be the same.

So, can I recommend it for users in a situation like this?
If we started a computer by the CD, can we use avast! for DOS to clean and, unless the special cleaning/repairing features of the avast! Cleaner, it is a good solution, isn’t it?

Oh, the BART CD is better ;D

many thanks, all, for your help.
