Scan Pop-UP?

Are there any plans to get rid of that annoying scan pop-up after minimizing the GUI after starting a scan?
When I minimize something it’s because I want it minimized and not to be bothered about minimizing something else.

I also agree with this - perhaps they could make an animation on the avast! tray icon to show it’s running a scan instead?

The tray icon has never been used to indicate an on-demand scan, how could you identify the difference between on-access scans.

Personally I don’t use the on-demand or a scheduled on-demand scan (other than for testing purposes).

  • With a resident (on-access) scanner the need for on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part dormant/inert files are being scanned, the other active files are going to be scanned by the resident shields when they are activated.

You could always kick off the screen saver scan or schedule a scan when the system is running but when you aren’t going to be busy.

Even when running a scheduled scan with the system running the pop-up still appears and the user needs to minimize the pop-up.
Having a pop-up to show a scheduled scan is running is fine as long as it goes away. At least give the user the option to place a time
limit on the duration of the pop-up.

edit: grammar correction

I know it still appears which is why I suggested it be run at a time when the computer is on but not likely to be busy. I used to schedule my Quick Scan (before I gave up doing them) late evening was convenient for me and I would shut the system down before going to bed.

If you aren’t in the habit of switching the system off at night, schedule the scan when you are sleeping.

I’m all for giving users options, but if you recall when this popup was introduced. It was after complaints that people didn’t know there was a scan running when they shut down.