Scan reports

Where can ı see scan reports?

On Home version only if you keep the avast window opened after scanning it will be there, i.e., only the last and open session is kept.
On Pro version, you can store (and housekeep) the scan reports.

Hmm, when ı try right click on system tray icon and click avast log viewer , it is not open, no happen anything, why?

If you run directly ashLogVw.exe from avast folder, does it run?

No, is avast may be damaged?

Most probably. Let’s try a workaround.

Please try the following:

  1. Start Notepad and open the file \Data\avast4.ini

  2. Find the section [Common]

  3. Add the following line into that section (at the end, beginning… wherever):

  4. Save the changes; avast! self-defense might pop up with a message about avast4.ini being changed, so confirm that too.

A technical explanation here:

ok ı try this solution but why happen this problem, ı use this avast pro version 8 days and ı only safe sites visit all time, ı suppose ı cant trust avast ???

Thats not necessarily true^^

Maybe theres something wrong with ur PC^^ ;D

Or if the user has done something wrong with the PC^^ ;D


No I do not anything, my computer work very well. :wink: