~~Cherie Knudsen
Please don’t post all in CAPS it is considered shouting and is actually harder to read.
The apply button is greyed out when there are no actions to apply or can be applied.
Since you haven’t given us any information to work with, type of scan being done, file name, location, etc. of the detections I will guess.
My guess is that you are doing a Custom scan in which you have elected to scan Memory and that all these detections are in memory or are listings of files that can’t be scanned. Since they aren’t physical files they can’t be moved to the chest, deleted, etc. so there is no action that can be taken, hence the Apply button being greyed out.
The detections in memory are frequently other security applications loading unencrypted virus signatures into memory. Having set off a scan of memory by an antivirus application looking for virus signatures, don’t be too surprised if it finds some in memory.
So if you can give some examples of the items in the list and the type of scan you did it will help us to help you.
What other security applications do you have installed ?
you are right that we use a custom scan, our custom scan is set to scan everything on our computer. The problem we are having is that there are multiple files that pop up in the results that dosent let us fix delete or move. Some exsample of the viruses found are; Threat: BV:formatC-E[trj], Threat: NSIS:Agent-Q [trj],Threat:HTML:Frame-AZ[Trj] and many more diffrent typs of win32s and Downloader-AT [trj]s and these viruses are using up all of our memory and has slowed the computer to a crawl. We use Avast as our main anitivirus and we use a windows avtivirus.
The malware name is of no use, which is why I mentioned the other information (file name, location, etc. of the detections).
What windows antivirus:
If you mean MSE.
Having two resident scanners installed is one too many and not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable. Multiple AVs will put a much greater load on your system as at the very least it will cause duplication of scanning. -
If you mean windows defender.
That is an anti-spyware and is OK, but it does load unencrypted signatures into memory which will be detected.
I believe the file location is as follows: Process876[msmpeng.exe], memory block 0x000000000136000, block size 26144, most of them are like these but a few are diffrent like these; C:\Users\Retro\AppData\Roaming\Glarysoft\Glary Utilitie…\40417.5859006597 >glary.ini and many more like this one.
The first example you gave is related to windows defender loading unencrypted signatures into memory, these are not an issue but will always be detected if you opt to scan memory.
The second example looks more innocuous and is possibly due to another setting that you have set, scanning for PUPs ?
I can only assume that because the Apply button is greyed out (?) then what is shown isn’t a risk, but unfortunately I don’t have enough information to be 100% certain.
The problem here is the deeper that you dig and check for additional options the more you are going have revealed. Unfortunately, you then need to know how to interpret the various results.
Personally the Quick and Full System scans are more than adequate, as they are only scanning for files that are at risk of infection and or present an immediate risk if infected. By doing a custom scan of all drives, files, etc. The greatest majority of those files would be inert (never run, so don’t present an immediate risk). Should they be run during normal computer use then the resident scanner (File System Shield) would scan them; this is the purpose of a resident antivirus and up to a point depreciates the need for on-demand scans.
I schedule a full system scan once a week and that has been fine.
I have been at war on two of my computers because they are getting more and more viruses each day and Avast is NOT deleting them, nor offering any option to delete them. And my Firfox browser is being hijacked to spam and other bogus sites at random. I have repaired computers for about half of my life and I have never seen an anti-virus act like this.
I have been a very vocal supporter of Avast! anti-virus, but it has been worthless for the past week or two, I feel I have NO A.V at all.
Please do not blame the end users out here because your anti-virus suddenly seems to stop working. I am so fed up with all of these cat and mouse games that I am considering going to a Mac instead of any more PCs.
Please, AVAST, can you give us some better advise than I have read in this thread so far? I have one computer with 32 viruses of all types, most of them rated as High Risk, AND I see the payload damage being done. Your program was something I used to tell all of my friends to get, but if you guys can not help us out more I can not see many more downloads or future customers of Avast! anti-virus. This is already gone crazy, I had 2 laptops running clean as a whistle and all of a sudden I started getting smacked with every type of virus in the world and my browser is hijacked yet Avast will not do anything but tell me they are on the computer- big help.
Based on the advise given on this problem so far the only real answer I can find is to re-partition the drive, run a program like SpinRite, format and reinstall the o.s. from the disc etc… I have already got way too much damage done on two computers that happened at the same time as I had Avast set to auto-scan daily and instructed to take steps of action.
It’s a shame I really was a big fan of your product and posted on many forums about how great it was. I really feel there is more to this story. I hope you guys can help us, because I have a feeling there are more than just two users out here with this exact same issue.
My Best.
Say, if you find a fix for your problem that has not yet been discussed on this thread that fixes your problem would you mine posting about it here? Needless to say, I am having the same issue. -Thanks.