Scan Results Column Resize Function Not Functioning

Using free version of avast. It’d be nice if, instead of finding new ways of spamming us, a few bugs in the UI were actually fixed within 3 to 4 years. The columns in the Scan Results dialog can’t be resized, which, when the dialog opens as a small window, means the location of an infection is occluded unless you put your cursor over it and wait for the tooltip. That tooltip, on the other hand, might not be long enough to display the entire string.

Just in case i’m not making any textual sense, here’s a visual:

As a side-note, it’d be nice if a support forum allowed local image hosting. “I’m not saying, i’m just saying.”

It does allow you to upload an attachment - when the Reply window is open - use the Attachments and other options. Clicking that expands the window to allow for attachments to be uploaded.

Ok cool. But what about the main issue?

I must admit that I haven’t really come across that issue, mainly because I rarely if ever have a detection in a scan, other than when testing.

If you hover over a field that is concatenated, like this if you hover over the field does it not show all of the field ?

It may have more to do with the side window, have you tried to resize the window (as this window on my XP system is resizeable) ?

As an avast user like yourself - I have just done a test of some samples and I can expand the column width, unfortunately I can’t replicate the issue.

Hovering over the file location shows a tooltip box with the full location. But as for resizing the column, although the mouse cursor turns into the horizontal resizing cursor, it doesn’t work. And this is independent of the window size, which can be changed.

Unfortunately I can’t replicate that, as you can see from my images the horizontal resizing cursor is present and on dragging it expands my columns.

What operating system and avast version are you using ?
See my signature under posts for my system used in the checks.

On my images you will notice a slight difference to yours, in that I don’t see the column header separators. But hovering the mouse over that area produces the horizontal resizing cursor.

You could try an avast Repair and see if that makes a difference - Control Panel > Programs & Features > Avast Antivirus > Change. From the next windows select Repair, once complete reboot.