Scan Results-LOG

Had fun with a Trojan Horse alert that resulted in the PC locking up and a few hours running every program I could muster. First problem in over 2 years. That mainly because I am very careful what sites I go to and don’t download every free program that is available. FYI- I believe the problem came from a Google search that linked to The moment it connected the alert sounded. It was- JS:FAKEAV-AH In looking at the chest, it is not there…?
I shall get to my reason for posting. I ran a standand virus check on the C and D (partition) Drives and thankfully nothing was found, yet there were 361 lines of Unable to Scan (or equivalent). Is that normal for Avast? What does that mean? Could a virus be present in one of those files and be missed?
Thank you in advance for your time. Dan

Se reply from DavidR Nr.2
