Scan seems to be hanging

Hello. I’m new here, and I tried to find a solution to this problem by searching the forum but I didn’t see it. If I overlooked a solution, please forgive me and point me in the right direction.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S9+, running Android 9 (Pie). I installed an app that included malware and it wasn’t showing up in the list of installed apps. I figured that Avast, whose antivirus program I run on my PC, would be able to locate and help me uninstall the rogue app. And it did.

After scanning all my apps, I decided to scan all the files on my phone. I understand that the process takes more time than the app scan. About an hour into the scan, Avast says it’s at 88%. A few hours later, it still says that it’s at 88%.I noticed that the file name under the scanner isn’t changing.

I canceled the scan and restarted the phone, in case the problem was with my phone. When I started a new scan, it did the same thing – stuck at 88%, with a file related to the same app showing under the scanner.

Should I cancel the second scan, clear the cache for that app and try a third time? Does it sound like I need to adjust one of the settings? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi, first clear the app data: go to “Android Settings→Applications→Avast Mobile Security→Delete cache and user data”, then reinstall the app and run the scan again. Then it should work. If not, please let us know.

Thank you so much, Tereza. That worked, and I was able to scan all the files successfully.