scan stops

hi all, on my win xp comp the scan will stop at 15%. i have never managed to complete a scan, this is the standard scan for fixed drives.
any help appreciated

Hi Bruin123!

Do you use any other security software? (antivirus, antispyware, firewall,…)
Or did you use any other security software before?
If yes, which one and how did you remove it?

What is the last file scanned? name and type?
Where does the scan stop? (at which file) and what file was scanned before this file and which one would be the next file scanned?


i used avg before, i use zone alarm firewall. scan stops at 15% various files/folders, i am using home edition 4.8

thankyou igor, looking good at 28% so far ;D

Edit: stopped at 95%, norton ghost utilities. but at least this isnt on the C drive.