i just down load the home scanner thing. it scanned. a 4220 or 4420 or something like that came up. i picked fix it, it sead cant, i sead Delta it , it when on to Scan , Pc rebooted now all i have left of a desk top pic. , Thats IT !!! >:( >:( WFT. And Mr.6000 post it man i anit going to spend a life time here looking. These are Your guys Forums, You like to help. will , can ya. i dont want to read hafe the forums and really dont have the time, If ANY on can help me Save the Pics of my boy and wife off the Hd`s ppl let me know . My e-mail is avalon_knights@hotmail.com as is my msn massager. … Di i loss it all. Or is it still there and i cant get to it for some reason > Ok i had time to think about it and come doud a bit… was there a main file that had a bug on it and the scanner deleated it, ? maybe. can i run my XP disk and pick Repair if thats even a optoins ?? .like i sead befor, i cnat do any thing on the pc not even right ckick or ctrl+alt+deleate to get to task manager . :-\ And Mr.6000 postitguy ,if you can help i would be thankfull for you 6001 post here ;D lol i mad a funny >wow. and my bad . been doing so reading here, Guess its 7000 POSTS :o come on dude, with 7000 you got to know it all. "JJjr Bows "> ok. Im f8ing it. i can get to sys restore. it runs then tells me cant restore Pc to that time. . I was my desktop icons for just a sec. So all my stuff is still there. Im just missing something in my OS i think. can i run my XP disk and repaire windows with out reformating ??> Ok Good Updte. im in safe mode at desktop seeing all my icones sweeet. i got to begetting close ;D
Please, watch the language. You need to be used that this forum is not like a lot of others.
If you need help, just ask but, please, stop blaming.
I WAS WATCHING IT WHEN I JUST USED LETTELRS TO GET MY POINT ACORSS. AND AS YOU CAN AMAGUN I AN UPSET. BUT AS YOU CAN SEE FROM MY ON GOING POST I HAVE COUM DOUND, SO THIS THIS WAST OF TIME AND WEB SPACE TAKEN UP CAN WE MOVE ON, I THINK WE ARE ALL OVER THE AGE OF 13 HERE. BY THE WAY. BUT THX FOR YOUR INPUT. AND NO IM NOT YELLING NOW. ITS JUST ON CAPS FOR SOME RESON there. caps off. and let me guess im intruble cus of bad attoud or something. i did say thx .group huggs now. lets get off of what may or maynot afind you. and on how to fix this. Ps, most froums have a EULA if its to be ketp under PG 13 . If you go look at my forums at www.avalon-knights.com . your see that staded. about keeping it Pg13 pls, coz a lot of kids use it and i dont like all the ,hmm, all the junk talk.
wow hard hat 12,500 Plus Posts… you are da man wow 12,000 , :o :o :o
If you just plain and simple tell us the problem, we may be able to help you.
What OS are you using?
What did Avast detect during the scan? (see Avast’s log file)
Do you (or did you) have any other AV installed? If so, which one?
What other security related software do you have installed?
Linksys Wired router, WCG200v2-CX
Cox Cable doun load AV
with there firewall off, running on Xp`s
and with there pairrent contol off
“If you just plain and simple tell us the problem, we may be able to help you.”
dont think i can get any plainer, sorry.
and like i posted, i just got back to desk topin safe mode, and i now am seeing Avast icon for frist time, looking for Log now…as im looking, Pls let me take the time now to say this progame is a winer form what iv sean of it so far. for real. i did read the part of this being a Bata thing, Still haveing bugs in it, But if your cut, do you not blead also ? i realy dont think iv been “out of hand” here… just a blue calloer working . “looks in log” or for a log,
ok found the Log Viewer. Nothing there, No Date ,Notime,No Appliction,or Description, and i clicked on all the Icons Under Programrun, shows nothing,I Xed out of that, Back in the siver car staro looking thing, it reads
Currt Vers, 0536-5 09/09/05
Resident Protectoin: Disabled
Date of last scan: Not dont yet
Virus recovery database{VRDB} Not done yet
Auto Updates: Database only
And thx for your time and patoins whit noobys.
now if this anit way cool ya all. just got e-mail from here saying myfire wall is off. Hoow ?? way cool . i turn it off to host the server i run. but thx, i`ll turn it back on, ANd oh, thay offered to link me for a Free one if i didnt have one, How cool is that ;D
There is no need to turn the firewall off if you run a server.
Just open the correct ports in the firewall will do.
I see that your system is way outdated.
Go HERE and keep going there till ALL security updates/patches are installed.
Let us know when you have done so.
thx man but its just been the law in mw4v1.0 to trun off XP fire wall. How you open ports in it ???
After you have installed ALL security updates/patches, go HERE to learn about how to use the firewall.
dose that mean i have to do SP2 on this Pc… this Pc realy dont like SP2… it srates rebooting, and a dumper thing goings on with it ??. And iv tryed updateing each programe one by one as the Preinstalling SP2 thing tells of
JJjr wrote:
Resident Protectoin: Disabled Date of last scan: Not dont yet Virus recovery database{VRDB} Not done yet Auto Updates: Database only
Maybe I’m missing something here, but doesn’t the above tell us that a SCAN was NOT DONE ! ??? Also the "Resident Protection is “Disabled”.
So if I’m NOT missing something, how could a scan be done and the Avast Status say “Date of Last Scan: Not done yet”. ? ???
Date of last scan. Displays the date of the last complete local hard disks scan.
Not if you do a on-demand scan.
the problems with SP2 have been solved a long time ago. You really must get the updates or you will keep getting troubles with infections.
nope, dont think you missed a lick,
me web provider sead this is the bes thiang out there, i went there, click on on dow load, run, open, to should a file tree off stuff it was going to scan, i click go or scan,or start, it wint to winXp blue scern, sead some thing about 4200something error, could nit fix, picked deleat.it got done and here we are,
ok, im back on my Pc now in safe mode, can you see in this one as you could my wifes/server Pc ?
did i look in the right place fo rthe log ? thee should still be a log even if done on deman ,? right
othermoved all the stuff i want to keep to the othere HD, after work I’m going to run my XP CD and reformat… When all done and sead, i will be back to get this bug killer again. just want to say to the readers that what happen was more then kicky my fault. I’m use to simple Simon programs where you just click ,yes,yes,OK, and done But most of then dint work and your still left with the bug your trying to get res of. And to the maker of this Avast. thx for make this a FREE all in one Program for Home usurers like me. And to hard hat, sorry for the attitude at the being of this post. And to the Army dude, your way cool And stop looking in my Pc.lolol jk. i got my wifes PC up to date and have that wed site on setting up your PC saved and Will be going there to do some reading… So peace out and back soon ;D Work calls. week end over. got to get back a it Hailz to all the teak heads that keep this going.
Excuse me i am 13.
No. No. Excuse !!! ME. Come no. a guy types 3 letters. In the heat of the moment , and that gets more responce then the problem ?! >:( Give me a break here. been given some good tips on updateting my fire wall and stuff. got a letter in the mail from your tek . saying boot in safe mode look for the problem and fix, if you cant then resore to last week or some thing… Didn’t say how to boot in safe mode or if i ever got there what to pick from or what to look for if it booted. Thats the best ya all got ?! I anti no tek head as ya all can guess by now. Dint know about networking, the inner workinks of XP and what makes it tick. Looks like ya all are. But your only concerned with me typing WT*&^% . If my Pc lets me boot to safe, as I’m in now, with networking. and put other stuff to on back up HD. then its 95% working. Cant any of you teks guys take that and figged out the last5% :-\ Eddy can look in my Pc some how to let me know i had my Xp firewall dound, and saw other stuff I’m sure. theres remote accuse . And theres other ways of fix what this AV messed up. Took out, Deleted, Removed, or what ever the ,hmmmm Heck it did… But i anti got , hmm Pooh back as in HELP to getting my system back…At the sign up for the down load it ask it i want to take part of helping with feed back with this AV… I picked YA…Yes… RGR… OKAY . what ever. Hears my Feed Back
Make the damn program so Evey Day folk like me can run a scan. I dint mean to take away for any one with this statement, But i Don’t want to spend my evens for the next year learning all Networking, OS, AVs, To be able to run a program with the Name on it as Home… Know why i didn’t pick the one that sead Pro on it …??? Come on , guess… ??? Coz i ANIT NO PRO, What a let down this is . these forums with the name Tck Help on then. i bet 5 to 1 this hole post gets deleted…And befor any one starts to hammer me about this post… All the thoughts and Opoines in it are Mine. peaces out
To boot in safe mode try pressing F8 while your PC is booting up then select boot in safe mode by using your arrow keys and pressing enter because it is likely your mouse pointer will not be on the screen. Oh and welcome to the forums.