Scan Window doesn't automatically close if no threat found

With 8.0.1483 when the scan window opened to show progress, if no threat found the window would automatically close after 10 or so seconds but with 8.0.1488 the window stays open and must be manually closed.

Is there a way to change this back to the original behavior so I don’t have to close it each time?

I have included two screen shots. The first shows the normal progress as the scan is running; the second shows the green box that remains and must be manually closed. In 8.0.1483 there would be a statement like “No threat found” and the box would automatically close after 10 or so seconds.

Exactly the same issue here. I left my computer running a full scan last night and when I came back the pop up was still up (approx 1hr after scan finished according to the information in scan logs) and it said 100% and the yellow bar was fully across, but there was no writing on it so say that no threats were detected, even though according to the scan log there were no threats detected. This has only started happening since the upgrade to 1488. It used to be that the scan would write “no threats detected” at the end of the scan on the banner thing one it had reached 100%, and then after a few secs it would go away. Now it doesn’t tell you the result and the banner stays up until you physically close it.

I didn’t get a screen shot but the banner is the same as the ones in the images in the OP’s post, only for me it was a full scan not a quick scan. I haven’t tried a quick scan yet, that’s scheduled for this evening.

I’m not sure if it announced “scan has been completed” via audio as it normally would, because I was out of the room at the time it would have finished. Obviously a bug in 1488…

Greetings, fellow avast!ians:

I asked about this issue in the beta forum a couple of days ago. Appears to be an intended behavior, according to the brief exchange found here:

I really do believe that at least a checkbox option to automatically dismiss the popup after a user-defined number of seconds if no threat is found is something that the development team should consider. I understand the intent here, but once the scan is complete, we don’t really need to know that it occurred if it turns up no problems, and in any event a record of it is, by default, available in the logs section.


Thanks for the link crashman. Good to know it’s not a bug, though it’s not a feature I appreciate personally. I don’t mind having to physically close the banner, but what I would like is for the banner to change from the progress bar and percentage, to the actual scan result on the banner, like it used to i.e. “no threat detected”, “some files could not be scanned” or “threat detected” as the case may be. Now I have to physically go to the GUI and find the latest scan result to know what it was. Not the worst thing in the world I know, but still a bit annoying.

I can see the advantage of leaving the banner up for people who might forget when they’ve got scans scheduled and close the computer down, but would still rather SEE the result on the banner for if I don’t happen to be around the computer when it’s announced the result by audio. In the previous version if you didn’t hear the audio announcement that a scan was completed and a threat was detected or some files couldn’t be scanned, the banner stayed up, but if it disappeared you knew you were all good.

I too like the idea of an option to either leave the green box open until the user acknowledges it or close it after a certain number of seconds if no threat found. If it used to behave a certain way and that behavior is changes I would think it best to give users the option of what they want.