scaning downloads

Before my computer crashed when using Firefox and downloading, and when the download was finished. A bar would appear that showed it was checking the download for virus. Now it doesn’t show that, isn’t supposed to?
Avast Version 5.0.594
OS win XP
Firefox Version 3.6.8

Thanks for your help

Presumably you are talking about the askQuick.exe scan?

Well firefox’s default download function was never able to have avast scan downloads, neither in avast 4.8 or 5.0.

So are you using a download manager ?
If so which one and crucially what you have entered in the function to use avast to scan the downloaded file ?

Assuming that you have it set-up correctly (dangerous I know) - The new process will only display anything if there should be something found.

no, he’s talking about Firefox own ability to use your present AV when downloading a file. I’ve deactivated that anyway so ;D

about:config >>> (true is default)

Anti-Virus Software

Firefox integrates elegantly with your Windows antivirus software. When you download a file, your computer’s antivirus program automatically checks it to protect you against viruses and other malware, which could otherwise attack your computer.

The problem being that function in firefox has never worked with avast (certainly not for me, I tried it when it was first added to firefox), which is why I asked the question.

well I saw it work tens of times, and as I got nothing else than Avast, it must have used Avast :slight_smile: It’s always so fast that I would hardly have the time to check which process is involved. I should check with a big file.

Thanks guys
Where do I find this?

about:config >>> (true is default)
In firefox when I click on about I just get Version

Type the command into the address bar.

By command I’m referring to “about:config” without quotation marks.

Well that option is still enabled/true (default) on my about:config settings.

I too will have to check this out again as I never say any progress bar, plus I don’t see anything in my logs.
However I have been using the download them all firefox add on. So not many occasions that I just use the firefox download and then it would be smaller files, so perhaps they are scanned so quickly no progress is shown.

So what? Never worked for me… At least, never saw avast scanning of the files…

Hi Tech,

With me in Flock or Firefox all downloads are scanned for viruses by avast, always works on files and images etc.


the only thing I can tell is that I saw the progression bar more than once, meaning tens and tens of times, until I got fed up with it and turned it off. Again, I can’t tell what AV process was involved, but just avast was installed.

How to check that?