Scanned Images blocked

I have scanned a couple images and they have saved to my picture folder with the avast symbol attached. I then tried to import the images into an older version of Print Shop Deluxe software and they don’t appear in my picture folder for me to import from through the editing software. They still appear in my main folder. How can I access these images through other software or save them without the avast thumbnail?

What version(s) of avast are you running? Free, Pro, IS, Premier? Any other Avast programs installed?

I am running the free version.

Please attach a screenshot of your picture with the avast symbol attached. Curious.

I believe I am not explaining this well. The Avast logo isn’t embedded in or attached to the photos, it’s more of a link? EXAMPLE: when you save something to your desktop it creates a thumbnail that is associated with the product, when I saved 2 scanned photos the thumbnail that was created (or shows) is the Avast web browser symbol.

Personally I haven’t come across this, but have you tried reassigning file type to that of Print Shop Deluxe ?

In Explorer Right click on one of the saved thumbnails and select Open with, now select the Recommended program or use browse if Print Shop Deluxe isn’t listed. Having selected it, check the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.

That should change the associated icon, you may need to also change your browser download location, I never save downloads to the usual windows download location, but to my own.