Scanner resident task settings (general answer yes/no)

I’m sorry to be a pain, but I can’t find a definitive answer to this:
What does Silent Mode With General Answer YES (OK) do in Pro, and in home editions?
What does Silent mode with general answer NO (cancel) do in Pro and in home editions?

If I want Avast to automatically delete any viruses it finds, in the Pro version, I tend to go to Tasks, then right-click on resident protection and select properties, then go to the “virus” secion of “standard shield” and select “Delete” - is that the correct way to do things?

In Professional version (see picture here: you don’t use Silent Mode but configure the Virus page of settings that done everything automatically.

In Home version Silent Mode can be configurated this way:

Left click the ‘a’ blue icon.
It will start On-access protection

Click on Internet Mail and then on Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and select Silent Mode and the default answer No. This will send the file (email) to Chest.
But take a look here:

Do the same for the and Outlook/Exchange plugin.
The answer Yes in Silent Mode keeps the virus in the file or into the message (attach) and continue the scanning. You can’t configure ‘delete the infected file’ in the Home version.

You can do the same for Standard Shield provider, but it won’t be a good idea…

Silent mode in the case of the WebShield provider simply means that avast will keep pressing the “Abort connection” button for the user automatically.

Many thanks for your reply.

I take it that means that I should just ignore the silent mode of the on-access scanner when using the pro version then?

Yes, you configure the Virus page of settings instead of Silent Mode.