Scanning archive files is Necessary ?

Our forum friend “Technical”, create a FAQ post with some fine ajustments;action=display;threadid=4818;start=15
One of this sugestions is to edit DefTasks.xml to scanning archive files.
There is any advantage of doing this, or the default scheme of avast is enought ???

No,there is no need of scanning archives. Files are quarantined in any archive and when they are extracted/accessed they are scanned in the same way as all normal files.

RejZoR is correct.
Shgoh (if I`m not wrong) tested that DefTasks.xml file configuration and found it to be wrong, or un-necessary, or it is not saved after boot. I suggested that a forum about DefTasks.xml file was a good idea (like avast4.ini file was…).
Maybe you started this forum 8)

Thank you… ;D

oh yes…thanks for reminding…i’m too busy with euro cup these days ;D

But I suppose we can count with you after that ;D