Scanning difference home - pro

On the PC of my fried avast home does find Win32.Bagle.EG@mm in Outlook (outlook.pst). The indicated virus cannot be deleted. I did copy his outlook.pst and make a scan on my PC with avast pro. On my machine avast does not recognize a virus. The VPS-Version is the same on both installations. Any hints concerning a possible reason?
Thanks and regards

Yes. The Outlook subsystem is used by avast! to access the PST files - so if you don’t have full MS Outlook installed on your machine (or maybe an older version?), the PST files won’t be unpacked.

I’ve a full MS Outlook (Version 2003). My fried has Outlook 2002.

Did you just copy the PST file?

Did you fully set up the account of your friend in your copy of Outlook?

Having the PST and setting up the account are very different.

I must admit that having to set up my user’s mail accounts in my system is one of the things that I least like doing when trying to trouble shoot for them.

I did replace my pst-file with the pst-file of my fried. Starting Outlook I’d all mails etc. from my friend in my outlook. But I did take note of the size of the 2 pst-files. My pst has a size of 3,xx MB, the pst of my friend a size of 198 MB, this after deleting all mails and contacts, i.e. with a empty pst. Before there were 25 mails in the inbox, 17 in the outbox and 28 contacts.
Now we will build a now pst-file on the PC of my friends and move the old one in the virus-container.
Thanks a lot for answering and regards

This is one of the Outlook disadvantages in my opinion… everything is stored in the same file that grows, grows…