Can we discuss the scan speed when Avast scans a downloaded file? Is it working properly when it flashes on and off the screen?
If nothing else happens, does that mean the file is safe to open?
If the file contains a virus, what would Avast do?
I really like Avast, but I need to understand it more; I really appreciate the frequent updates!
I hope to learn much in this forum
Hi Sojourner,
Welcome to the Forums.
If Avast found a virus, believe me you will know it. Especially if your sound is turned on. You will hear a siren go off that’ll wake up the whole neighborhood.
Hi Bob,
Thank you for a speedy reply – when I click “Scan”, it is normal for Avast to just flash if the file is safe, and then I can go ahead and open it? I am just double checking –
somehow a Trojan got into my computer when I downloaded a file – How, I can’t guess? ???
The flashing, as you called it, is just to let you know that the file or files have been scanned and are SAFE. If a virus is discovered, believe me you will know. If you installed the program to the default directory, you can test the sound here:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\virfound.wav
I hope you don’t mind waking the house up. ;D ;D
:DHi Bob,
I’ll take your word for it (the sound)!
Well, is a Trojan something that can get by Avast, then, because it is not a virus? If that is so, what can we do to keep Trojans out? I guess I am a little confused since that one got in; I never had that happen before.
BTW, what state are you in? I’m in TN.
Just click on my name (bob3160) and you can see all my info.
To get rid of your trojans, go here and get the tools you need.
You might also want to download RejZor's fine Avast External Control Program (AEC)
Have fun.
If I read correctly your first post, you have already set into your download manager to use C:\ … \Avast4\ashQuick.exe (without parameters or using %d or %f).
Hi Technical,
I am already using Avast Home; yes, it has been my choice of Anti virus since we got our XP in March of this year; I have been wondering for all that time about whether the speedy scan was actually working or if I maybe should be configuring something somewhere for it to work. I am now satisfied that it has been working just fine; the thing that is hazy in my mind is the Trojan; was Avast supposed to catch the Trojan?
:)Thank you for the welcome; (I am not technical, and don’t quite understand all that you wrote; if I need to, maybe you can explain it ?)
I’m sorry Sojourner, I goofed in my last post and left out this link which will give you all the info you need to start scanning for Trojans, Adware and Spyware. http://www.security-ops.tk/
Sojourner, do you use any download manager (like FlashGet, Dowload Accelerator Plus, GetRight, etc.)?
If so, you will be an option into its settings to add the following line:
This will set the download manager program to use ashQuick (the quick scanning module of avast) to scan the downloaded file when the download finishes.
Generally, you must use that line without any other parameter. For example, with FlashGet.
Some applications, to proper use ashQuick, need a parameter so you will write:
Bob, thank you; I thought you might be back with that info!
Technical. the download manager idea is new to me;I think I have heard about that sometime, but nobody has discussed that subject with me; which one would you recommend? (the easiest to understand) This is an exciting idea, and I want to try it.
Thank you, Technical - I’ll check it out.
While I was waiting for your reply, I asked Google for info on free download managers; there is a new one called “Fresh”. I wonder if it is any good? (I probably should not have mentioned that – I appreciate your help very much.)
Is the pic you as a youngster? Nice looking little guy!
Flash Get is free for personal use but just like in Avast! you need to register it. Sorry, was thinking about FreshGet… another free download manager and the actual name is FreshDownloader.
??? Technical,
I have been looking for ashQuick - can’t find any reference to it.
As I understand your suggestion, if I get a download manager installed and add the line instructing it to scan with ashQuick, then all downloads are automatically scanned when the download is completed. When I read about download managers, the information focused on speedy downloads and organizing. In my case, with DSL and not many downloads, the only thing I would be interested in is the automatic scan, if the Avast! 4.1 Home Edition has that feature.
If you installed Avast! to the default directory, Then this is where you’ll find it. >C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe
Hope that helps.
Hey Bob,
Wow, it’s there! Now, do you suppose the free Fresh Download Manager would work?
I am so excited to have this forum to learn from; I didn’t try it before, because it looks like it is so - technical - and I am a relatively new computer user; we just got our first one exactly four years ago and didn’t have a clue how to learn to use it.
Has anyone told you lately that you are much appreciated? Your wife is a lucky lady-
Hi Sojourner,’
My wife said “That might be your opinion but, you don’t have to live with him”!!!
And FreshDownloader should work just fine or any of the ones that Technical suggested.