With last version of avast i discovered this today. I hit button scan and nothing happned. No message virus found, no message clean file. Any fix? Thanks
What avast version are you using latest being 17.1.2286 ?
I’m running the latest beta version 17.2.2287 and opening the virus chest doesn’t show a Scan button.
If you select a file and right click it has many options, Scan is just one of them, but that doesn’t work for me either.
It looks like that is a bug that hasn’t yet been squashed.
I mean scan if i click on file like you. I have last stable version 17.1.2286.
OK, I have reported this as a bug, lets hope it gets squashed soon.
I tried some of the other right click options, Restore, Delete, Extract and all worked.
Ofcourse files in the chest can’t be scanned and there is no need to.
They are already scanned and have found to be malicious.
Hence why they are in the chest.
Scanning files in the Virus Chest >> https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB21#idt_04
After a False Positive, you can scan to see when not detected (fix released) and then restore
Then there are some AV that autoscan content in quarantine after evry update and give you a notification of FP that can be restored (Panda) or the now gone Norman AV that auto restore FP
The same as me. Thanks for reporting.
Wrong, this function is already inbuild. You can add file to chest manualy, even harmless and you can send to lab for false positive or uknown virus. Thats why there are also scan option.
- why did it happen in all versions of the chest since I have been using it.
- why is the function to Scan in the context menu of the chest if it isn’t needed.
- it is a necessary function to check submissions you have made to the virus labs for suspect FPs.