Scanning images from web pages

Hi, I’ve noticed since version 7 that avast! seems to be scanning images before I save them from web pages. Is this is a new feature? If not new, it appears to take longer than earlier versions.

If I want to disable image scanning, do I just uncheck the Web Shield option for MIME types from the Exclusions page?



Mine is checked by default.

Sorry, yeah, the screengrab was to show I’d unchecked that option. And that looks like it made the difference; images save quicker now.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Careful…infected images are still out there. :wink:

Are they not scanned when they are opened anyway?

Hi Avoidz,

Yes, indeed.

You just need to check “MIME Exclude” to avoid image scanning if you don’t want it.

But again, we recommended to keep image scanning, since each second malware will infected any potential file or image on any vulnerable web site.


Oops, seems like I misunderstood the settings I was looking at. This was the Exclusions options, so MIME should be checked.

I see JPG is not listed but PNG and GIF are. Is JPG more likely to be a threat than the others?

Yes, there are many jpg exploits, if other images started to be infected/exploited then no doubt they too would be removed from the list.

All good then. Thanks. I’ll leave the settings alone.

Perhaps the scanning takes a few seconds longer because this is an older desktop. I’ll have to compare with my newer notebook.

You’re welcome.