Scanning last downloaded file

I’ve installed the new 5 vs of “Avast free”; when downloading a program to what Avast-file in the programfiles directory have I to send that file in my downloadmanager (in my case: leechget) to scan it? Is it still “ashquick.exe”. Thanks in advance!

I don’t believe this is available in Avast free anymore. You have to scan the files manually.

You don’t need to send it anywhere, as webshield already scanned it. :wink:

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What Asyn said is true.

How can that be? Web Shield only scans HTTP/port 80 (unless port redirect is specified). DMs use many different ports.

Thanks, but I didn’t ask for any advice.

for what it’s worth: ashquick.exe does exist in Avast5 ( in “free” too ;D )

Right now, the following command-line switches are (= will be) supported: /silent - don't display anything even if malware is found (the difference is only in the return code available to the program that launched ashQuick) /action:delete /action:chest /action:repair

Note that:

  • ashQuick always stops scanning when a first malware is found - that’s the one displayed in the final message. So, the fact that the final message shows some “less critical” malware ([PUP], [Susp]) doesn’t mean there isn’t any worse inside if the file is an archive.
  • the action (delete, chest) always works with the whole file, no matter if it’s an archive or not.
  • we’d really like to avoid turning this simple tool into another full-featured scanned, with the same options as the usual GUI-based scans

Yes, but command line scanning is not available in Avast free.

that’s right

My point is that without command line scanning support, there is no reason to add ashquick.exe to a DM.

some arguments, as stated in my post above, are supported, so ashquick is relevant for download managers (for those who feel the need…). Might be restrictive, but that’s better than nothing. Honestly I don’t care that much. I was using it in V4…still wondering what for ::slight_smile: (I know, web shield’s on port 80 only…)

We’re going in circles here. Since none of the supported switches will actually pass a file to ashquick for scanning, it is pointless to add it to a DM.

oh it won’t ??? :slight_smile:

edit: just tried with EICAR…all shields off…just ashquick in FDM…nothing happens… last time I tried it was during the beta testing and it worked… (there’s no GUI like in V4 but that’s not my point, EICAR is just not intercepted using the ashquick command)

edit: it does work, and send to Chest (I forgot to check the virus check in FDM ;D )

I’ll check tomorrow on another system running the free version. Adding that anyway, ashquick scans at disk level, just like the file system shield, so it’s completely useless, in the sense that it’s doing something that’s being done already.

I humbly beg your pardon Logos, it DOES work. When you mentioned there was no GUI (as in Avast Quick Scanner) I decided to try again with Eicar. Sure enough Avast popped up an alert. Again, my apologies for doubting you. :slight_smile:

no problem, I knew that was the reason you thought it didn’t work :wink: When it was introduced during the beta testing last year and we first tried it, many here thought it didn’t work until they tested it and a dev confirmed there was no UI.

Thank everyone for your contributions. Conclusion is: no manual scanning, or remark in the downloadmanager because the webshields do this control!

Actually, you should add ashquick.exe to LeechGet. Web Shield only scans traffic on port 80 which is not a port that LeechGet uses. But unlike Avast 4, you will not see a pop up every time Avast scans a download. Instead you will only see a pop up when Avast finds malware in a downloaded file.

If the web shield doesn’t scan it because it isn’t using port 80 you also have the fall back of the file system shield scanning newly created/modified files (depending on file type, primarily those that present an immediate risk, e.g. executables, .exe, etc.).

Ok: I’ve added this in Leechget: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\ashQuick.exe

Errr… so, what port it uses? It downloads something from a webserver via a port on which the webserver is not running at all? Miracle? I guess you are kinda confused here.