Scanning OE mail

Can scanning OE mail with avast cause corruption of any of the .dbx files like inbox.dbx etc.? I ask this because other well known antivirus programs are noted for this, and in reading some Microsoft news groups they suggest turning off email scanning to avoid this problem.


Turning off email scanning :o That wouldnt be a wise solution. Ive had avast for 6 months now, havent had any isuues with what you ask.

I wouldnt be concerned at all…

Good day

Johanna, I’ve been using Avast! and OE for several months now with no problems.
Datagg is correct in advising you not to turn your scanning off…


Do not turn off your virus protection…
Avast does not corrupt the dbx files.
I suggest you backup your OE files (dbx, Windows Registry, Rules for messages and so on). Use: Outlook Express Freebie Backup (, it’s a freeware! 8)