Scanning on wireless with laptop

[b]Is there a way that I can rund daily virus scans when running wireless on my laptop I hacve it set up to run at a specific time M-F and if i am wireless it will not run …


There should be no difference, how you connect…!!
Works here with wireless and LAN connections…

Why do you want to run daily scans ?
You miss one important point - What avast version are you using 4.8 or 5.0 ?

avast is a resident scanner so files that are accessed or run will be scanned, so it lessens the requirement for the old style on-demand scan. The on-demand scan for the most part is going to be scanning files that would otherwise be dormant, if they were opened/run then the on-access (resident) scanners would scan them (depending on your particular settings). But avast on the default settings will scan those files considered at risk of infection, etc.

[b]I am running 5.0 I always run a scan M-F it’s the way I have always done it and if I am wireless the scan is suspended unless I run it manually


Do you get any error message…?

Nope no error message it just will not scan unless I am plugged in


Maybe you want to contact avast about this issue…!?

That was my next move


Good luck…!

Thnx will let you know what happens just sent a msg to them as well


[b]Well I got it to scan when I have just the battery on the laptop
