Scanning outgoing emails with SSL enabled - cant send in Outlook Express

I am using Demon’s SMTP server to send emails and they tell me to use port 465 with SSL enabled. Avast popped up and told me to disable SSL in my mail client and allow Avast to scan the outgoing mail and apply the security itself.
I disabled SSL in Outlook Express and checked the SSL settings in Avast which appear correct.
However I can not send out emails with that configuration, OE just times-out.
Can anyone suggest what is going on please? I switched to Avast from Antivir and one reason for that was to show the outbound emails had been scanned.
I assume I don’t need to reboot my machine for the changes to take effect?

Many thanks,

Hmmm no ideas anyone? Did I mention the monetary reward available for supplying the correct solution? Joking aside… can’t anyone help please?
I have rebooted since the last message and of course that made no difference. I’m guessing Avast must be able to do this as the help message states it should work so is this a bug?
Thanks (hopefully).

IF you have disabled (unchecked) the SSL required on OE - Try deleting the entry for this account in the avast Mail Shield, Expert settings, SSL Accounts and reboot. This should recreate the entry.

However, I have never used Avira and I don’t know how its email scanning works, although if you say it doesn’t scan outbound email I don’t know if there might still be some conflict there if there are any remnants of Avira left behind.

Are you able to receive and scan inbound email with avast ?

Uninstall Avira Antivir Completely

I don’t use your email client but I had to change from port 465 to 25 and then I could send mail.

Many thanks to both of you.

I ran the Avira Antivir registry tool which 3 entries that mentioned Avira so I removed those. Avira had uninstalled successfully as far as I could tell when I removed it, i.e. no remnants in add/remove programs and no error messages. So I suspect that part was all OK.

I then changed the SMTP settings in OE to use port 465 without SSL and then deleted all entries in Avast’s SSL accounts section. I didn’t try a full reboot as my patience wouldn’t let me (thought I would keep that option for later as a last resort).

OE would still not send a message.

I then tried changing OE to use port 25, again without SSL, and also deleting all Avast’s SSL accounts again. This time OE sent the message without issue and added the “outbound message clean signature”. I had sent it to myself so it came back in again straight away. Marvellous! Solved. Thank you!

So how does Avast know to enable SSL for that account? Where is it getting its setup information from?

I am a little curious and surprised as Avast added two entries in its SSL accounts; - SMTP - Port 465 - SSL - POP3 - Port 995 - SSL.
OE is set to use port 25 but Avast has created an SMTP account using port 465. So does Avast redirect the SMTP port 25 to 465 that Demon requires? How does it know Demon wants 465 or is that a standard port number used for SSL connections?
Also, why has Avast created a POP3 account using port 995 and with SSL enabled when OE uses port 110 for its POP3 incoming emails and with SSL disabled?

Big thanks for the help and pointers. I never thought to try setting OE to use a port number other than what Demon require.

Forgot to say that yes i could receive and scan incoming emails using Avast without issue. Demon say to use port 110 without SSL for the POP3 connection.
As for Avira If memory serves me correctly it didn’t scan incoming or outgoing messages which seems a bit of a strange idea to me.

Glad you got it working. port 587 also worked for me.

I had terrible problems when Version 5 was in beta but a great guy on this forum set me straight regarding ports. I never would have known to change it.

edit: I would just ignore that SSL information.

Thanks jadinolf.
I have a terrible affliction whereby I always need to know the answers so ignoring the SSL info doesn’t sit comfortably in my annoying head! I wish I was wired differently at times! Maybe DavidR can shed some light?

I’m curious and want to be sure of what is going on as I just changed back to using Demon’s SMTP server. I use Demon for my email account but am with T-Mobile for my phone & internet connection (I don’t have a landline). Many months ago I had an email issue and T-Mobile told me that I wouldn’t be able to access Demon’s SMTP server because my connection was with T-Mobile. That seemed odd to me but I just accepted it as I wanted my post to leave my PC. It now turns out that advice was incorrect so I have switched back to using Demon’s SMTP and POP3 servers but want to be sure it is all set up the best it can be especially as I had been having some posts returned as undeliverable. That issue was down to T-Mobile not using authenticated SMTP servers and the email recipient’s server rejecting non-authenticated mails. I guess I am trying to dot all the 'i’s and cross all the 't’s.

I really appreciate the help especially as there were no takers when I first asked for advice.

Stu, I don’t know what that info is all about. I do know that my info is wrong and since I no longer use SSL, who cares?

Some one will be along to give you the correct information.

Now, what was this about a monetary award??? Was that Pounds, Euros or USD? :wink:

Thanks again jadinolf. No problem - nobody knows everything! Did I not say that the reward was for a complete solution? You gave me the ‘change back to port 25’ solution but sadly don’t have all the answers. Now it may be argued that is a mere technicality but but but… Panicking? Me? Tell you what… pop round and I’ll buy you a drink. You’ll have to cover the plane ticket though I’m afraid. I could always dig out some French Francs or German Deutschmarks I have in a pot somewhere. What do you mean they aren’t used anymore?. OK you caught me out, I may have stretched the truth a little. Sorry. I am in your debt though. Thanks again.


However, I have never used Avira and I don't know how its email scanning works, although if you say it doesn't scan outbound email I don't know if there might still be some conflict there if there are any remnants of Avira left behind.
It does Avira free does not have a mailscanner

Hi. Yep, thought so. I’m sure there is a good reason for not having one but it seems like a feature most people like to have.

Hi. Yep, thought so. I'm sure there is a good reason for not having one but it seems like a feature most people like to have.
yea....there was a debate here about that. anyway free versions must have some limitations compared to full version, if not why buy the full?

@ sh2811: it’s quite simple, Avast mail shield, when it’s turned on, detects your email accounts in clients, and can immediately tell if the account requires ssl or not. If it does, you need to deactivate ssl in the client (OE in your case) and use standard ports. All your incoming and outgoing messages will be rerouted internally to the mail shield proxy that will in turn redo (reroute) the ssl incoming and outgoing connections to your email provider server using ssl ports.

Thanks to both of you.

Pondus - good point I guess so I’ll avoid restarting the debate!

Logos - that seems to cover the question! I would have been more comfortable if Avast showed just a little more information, i.e. port 25 redirected to 465. It seems like you just have to have faith all is setup OK. It may just be that I need to get used to the new software more. It did not feel intuitive. The popup message from Avast telling me to switch off SSL in my mail client only popped up once even when I changed the settings in OE and Avast a few times. I could have missed it.

Anyway, all looks ok. Thanks to all.

you can see the details of what Avast does in the ssl account tab of the mail shield advanced settings :wink:

Yes I had found that. It just did not feel comfortable that OE was changed to show port 25 with SSL off but Avast shows 465 and SSL on. I would like more detail in Avast’s SSL accounts menu to show something like:

Outlook express SMTP account found

yeah so far Avast only sends an alert that an ssl account was detected if the settings are wrong, but when they’re fine there’s no message.

Ooops pressed the wrong button.

Yes I had found that. It just did not feel comfortable that OE was changed to show port 25 with SSL off but Avast shows 465 and SSL on. I would like more detail in Avast’s SSL accounts menu to show something like:

Outlook express SMTP account found:
old settings - port 465, SSL - on AND Avast not setup
new settings - port 25, SSL - off AND Avast using port 465, SSL - on

OK that is a bit messy but perhaps you can see my point?
I know that the SSL accounts menu does show that the setting is for “ and port 465 with SSL on” and possibly that is enough.

I wonder how someone who examined the computer and does not use Avast would realise that whilst OE’s settings are wrong, i.e. in my case Demon want 465 + SSL on, Avast is setup to handle the correct port number and SSL setting. I can accept it is perhaps a small point and once it is setup it should work but I have a feeling that the link between the mail software and Avast is not as obvious as it could be.

Normally I don’t need much help but those settings confused me!
Now I understand!
Thanks again.