Scanning Question

Hi, before avast! i had Kaserpsky Antivirus and it allowed me to search “Critical Areas”, and “Start Up Objects”. Does avast! have these features? If not, could somebody tell me the directories to scan so i can be scanning the same areas. I know that C:\WINDOWS\system32 would fit under the “Critical Areas” category. What else should i search. I wanna search the areas that will really effect my computer if a virus gets to them.

Any help is greatly appriciated!

also what about scanning archives? Is that very important to do most of the time or just now and then?

Hi, joshuah2003. First of all read User’s FAQ (, you’ll receive many answers. :smiley:
Resident provider “Standard Shield” checks the programs you start and the files you access (even in C:\WINDOWS\system32).
Something like “Start Up Objects” you may see in Standard Shield Settings:

  1. Scan diskette boot sector.
  2. Scan OLE documents on open.
  3. Scan executed programs.
  4. 16-bit Windows executables.
  5. MS-DOS based programs.
  6. Scan dynamic libraries on load.
    About archives I think it’s enough to scan just now and then. :slight_smile: