Scanning shutting down Computer ?

:slight_smile: Hi guys my computer starts up fast enough but when shutting down its a bit slow my question is dose avast scan any files in the back ground as the compter is shutting down if so this maybe the reason.
Thanks for your time and help.

What OS are you using? What exactly is ‘a bit slow’ (give it to us in seconds).

Does it help to terminate avast resident protection before shutting down?


:slight_smile: Hi running XP Pro when I turn off my computer and the system icons disappear windows is saving setting it would about 40 sec maybe more is this normal I uninstall avast to see if it maid a difference the computer shut down very fast.
Thanks for your time and help also hope you fix the program so it runs under 98se better soon.

kanga: please, check your EventLog (don’t know how to get there in WinXP).

In EventViewer, check Application log for event from ‘UserEnv’. Is it there? What does it say?