Scanning Virus Chest

Having used computers since 1981, have tried all sorts of antivirus programs: Norton (ugh), MacAfee (ditto), Trend Micro, AVG and others. Current subscription ran out, so decided to try Avast and I am blown away at how good it is. There, a first, a fan letter about a program. :smiley:

Iā€™ve figured out almost everything, but one of the threads here had a post that said if in doubt about whatā€™s in the Virus Chest, run a scan on that. I canā€™t firgure out for the life of me how to do that. Iā€™m sure itā€™s something simple and Iā€™ll look stupid, but itā€™s worth it if you can tell me how.


Do you want to scan the files into Chest? Just right click them and choose scan.

Thanks, Tech, I did try a right click on the files in the Chest, and did not notice ā€œScanā€ at all. Iā€™m obviously getting old and/or senile.

It works fine.

Donā€™t worry that muchā€¦ living and learning :wink: