Scanning Virus Chest

Having used computers since 1981, have tried all sorts of antivirus programs: Norton (ugh), MacAfee (ditto), Trend Micro, AVG and others. Current subscription ran out, so decided to try Avast and I am blown away at how good it is. There, a first, a fan letter about a program. :smiley:

I’ve figured out almost everything, but one of the threads here had a post that said if in doubt about what’s in the Virus Chest, run a scan on that. I can’t firgure out for the life of me how to do that. I’m sure it’s something simple and I’ll look stupid, but it’s worth it if you can tell me how.


Do you want to scan the files into Chest? Just right click them and choose scan.

Thanks, Tech, I did try a right click on the files in the Chest, and did not notice “Scan” at all. I’m obviously getting old and/or senile.

It works fine.

Don’t worry that much… living and learning :wink: