
I just did a virus scan with Avast 5.0.594 the free version, and at the end it said some programs cannot be scanned and it listed these as: C:\program files\alivil software…\algo.dll, then aswcmabs.dll; aswcmnis.dll; aswcmnos.dll; aswengin.dll; aswscan.dll - it said Error - the system cannot find the path specified - all of these were associated with Avast. I had run Malwarebytes late last evening and found Trojan.Vilsel which I was able to remove so I wanted to do an Avast scan this morning. Any idea what all this means? The Trojan.Vilsel was in the Program Files for Verizon\Tech\Wizard\Install FIOSCW.exe - Not sure if any of this is related, but this is the second time I have had a problem associated with Verizon. I had an email problem the other night and tried to correct it with the Help Wizard from Verizon. Thanks!

This looks like it is as a result of avast house keeping old VPS folders after recent virus signature updates, whilst you had a scan running.

Unfortunately the most important bit .…\ is missing/concatenated and that would show an old VPS folder, see image. avast usually retains the last VPS folder after an update as it would be in use, the next day or so the old unused VPS folders would be removed to control hard dick space used.

You have nothing to worry about or do about those.

The trojan will probably need more investigation, but is unrelated to the above.
Were you able to move the trojan to the chest ?