Sched.exe Command Line Switches


I have a Windows XP Pro PC being used as a file server.

Twice a week I want it to schedule a Avast Boot-Time Scan and reboot and perform the scan.

The scan will be configured from a batch file that will be run from the Scheduled Tasks in Windows.

I can make it reboot no problem at given times its the actions to perform when scanning which I am having difficulty with.

I want it to “Repair”, if that fails I want to move it to the “chest” and if that fails I want it to ignore.

Here is what I have so far:

sched /A:“C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\Eicar AV Test Files” /RA:repair /RS:yes /RA:chest /RS:yes /RA:repair

But it does not run correctly and does not move files to the chest.

Can multiple action parameters be used and if so please can you show me how it is done?

The Avast documentation for scripting is the worst I have ever come across. If you can send me a link to some examples of what I am trying to achieve it would be much appreciated.



I’m afraid multiple actions are not supported here.

I guess I could change that in one of the future versions of the program… but honestly, the boot-time scan has never been meant as a regular (or even scheduled) scanning method (but rather something used for cleanup when an infection has already slipped through). Yes, the boot-time scan may be able to see (and act) deeper by starting early - but on the other hand, it doesn’t have network access so it can’t use any backend services (which Avast, as well as other AVs, use more and more).
When scheduling from the UI, this limitation is partially rectified by offering to download an additional set of virus signatures - but that won’t happen when scheduling over sched.exe.