Scheduled full scan is not running.

I have Avast scheduled to run a full scan weekly. Last week it ran fine; this week it did NOT run.
Manual scans will run OK.

This has not been a problem in the past. Problem occurred with the last version of Avast (avast 17.1.2286 build 3394.46) but recurs with latest version (avast 17.1.2288 build 3419.0).

I’ve changed the scheduled time three times this morning to confirm - the scan does not start.

I haven’t changed any hardware or software in the past week.


This scheduling scans is a known bug to Avast. It shall be fixed in a future version. Devs are working on it.

@ EmeraldAutumn
Do you shutdown your system at night ?

The reason I ask s someone else experiencing this found that after setting up a scheduled scan, if you don’t restart your system it doesn’t run.


It’s broken. They’re working on it. I made a video showing the issue too.

It may well be broken and they are working on it, but someone else with that problem stated that worked for them.

I haven’t tested it as I find a real purpose for on-demand scans with an efficient resident on-access AV.


In general I don’t shut down this system at night. However I have rebooted it several times in the past week between the last scheduled scan that ran (2/20) and the first scheduled scan that did not run (2/27). BY “reboot” I include both complete cold starts and also warm restarts.

Earlier today (before the additional replies here) I:

[ol]- Downloaded the latest version of Avast (ver 17.2.3419.0 in installer).

  • Downloaded the latest version of AvastClear (ver 17.2.3419.0)
  • Uninstalled Avast in Windows Safe Mode using AvastClear.
  • Reinstalled Avast latest version.[/ol]

Re-install didn’t change anything; Avast still won’t run a scheduled scan.

Thanks for the info that this is known. I’ll await devs work.

@ EmeraldAutumn
I guess we are down to waiting for a proper fix.