scheduling options, interfearing with net and games


Ok, I just installed this a few days ago, and while it does seem to do a thorough job of scanning my computer, I’ve seen a few problems at my end.

For instance, while playing a computer game, it suddenly pops up with a red window saying it can’t update or some such. Now, I have Zone Alarm firewall, as I don’t completely trust any one system to keep me good. For some reason I can’t understand, I don’t see how or where I can change the time at which the program searches for an update. The layout of the options for this program are among the most unintuitive I’ve ever seen, with bits all over the place. Why not concentrate all the program options in a single area?

Basically, what I want it to do, is update when I CHOOSE. And scan WHEN I CHOOSE. If someone can point me to where I can set those myself, or at least turn them to manual, that would be great. That way I’m not interrupted in mid-battle with evil Stormtroopers!

Oh, one more thing, it seems that this program MIGHT be interfering (but I’m not certain it’s this one) with my internet connection: apparently if it tries to access the net while I’ve got ZoneAlarm locked, when I unlock ZA and go to browse, the connection is unable to work, and I always get it back after a restart of Windows.

Any ideas?

I don?t see how or where I can change the time at which the program searches for an update.
Avast checkes for updates right after a connection is made to the net. After that it will check every 4 hours. You can change the interval time in the avast4.ini file [url=;action=display;threadid=1647;start=0](more info on the ini file)[/url]

You can disable the auto-update checking in the options. This is however not recommended. You may miss a very important vps update. I think you better install tweakui and use that to stop applications to steel focus.

That way I?m not interrupted in mid-battle with evil Stormtroopers!
I think security is more important than a game.
apparently if it tries to access the net while I?ve got ZoneAlarm locked, when I unlock ZA and go to browse, the connection is unable to work, and I always get it back after a restart of Windows.
Doesn't sound like a problem with Avast to me.

Just start the Simple User Interface and leftclick on the right part of the “Automatic Updates” line - the corresponding configuration page will appear where you can set the updates to “Manual”.

Rick, for your questions:

  1. it suddenly pops up with a red window saying it can’t update or some such.
    Read the ‘settings’ link on my signature. You can change the parameters:
    SuppressUpdatedInfo (blue one) and SuppressUpdateErrorInfo (red one)

  2. where I can change the time at which the program searches for an update.
    Change the parameter: UpdatePeriod

  3. what I want it to do, is update when I CHOOSE. And scan WHEN I CHOOSE.
    Set the update to manual, change the parameters: VPSUpdate and ProgramUpdate to manual like Igor said.

  4. it seems that this program MIGHT be interfering (but I’m not certain it’s this one) with my internet connection.
    Changing to manual everything will work…