Maybe it is me, but I cannot locate anywhere to schedule the Avast virust protection to run. For example: I want it to run daily at 6:00pm. Is there a way to do this?
Maybe it is me, but I cannot locate anywhere to schedule the Avast virust protection to run. For example: I want it to run daily at 6:00pm. Is there a way to do this?
It’s a Professional version feature…
In Home (free) version you can only schedule the boot time scanning.
Wellcome to forums.
Thank you. Well, I guess that explains why I cannot schedule the scan. I’ve spent hours trying to figure it out.
Feel a wee bit dumb right now. Thanks again.
With the home version you can use tasksheduler to create a task
You can add a link to ashQuick.exe but it’s not configurable (does not have parameters).
You can use the Screen saver module (scanning while the screen saver is active).
You can ‘create’ a Windows macro but it will need third party applications…
I hope you get it won’t be easy at Home version as this feature is a Pro one… :-\