Scream: Make screaming more interesting on Windows...???

In celebration of Edvard Munch’s The Scream being returned to Oslo police, I would like to present Scream, which has got to be the coolest app I’ve seen all month. It bills itself as “a software application to facilitate screaming.” What does that mean? Well, basically, it will make the windows on your desktop respond to your cries of anguish, moans of frustration, and angry outbursts. No, seriously. It listens to your computer’s microphone for loud noises, and shuffles your windows around in response. Scream a little and one of your windows might move a little. Scream a lot and all of them will move around a lot. It also responds to “door slams, domestic disputes, and police helicopters” as well as music. In case you’re having trouble visualizing this, there’s a few very entertaining videos of Scream in action on the Scream web site. Scream is a free program for Windows

i’m really not sure what this is and what good it is…but it makes me wanna SCREAM!

Hi drhayden1,

And if that scream was hacked? Is that really secure?


polonus…what type of program is this anyway…probably badware…just curious-that’s why i posted it…no way in hell am i gonna download it… :o