Screen Bug but is it working fine???


Since also previous version i have this bug :cry:

With previous version to avoid this bug, i perform a clean remose on Safe starting.

And install with the full off line version.

But with the current version, this think doesn’t work.

I did it twice without result.

I noticed that this bug appear after 2 reboot…

And the two bug case doesn’t work, i mean that if i want to clic nothing happen.

I did once again a clean remove and tried to install with the online version, same problem…

So i wonder if the soft is really working with this bug.

But for me it’s shouldn’t happen really ???

I’m in W8.1 64

Thanks for your help.


(Sorry for my english, i’m located in France :wink: )

As workaround create a custom scan, that fixed it for me.


Thanks for your fast rely.

Well it seems to working now.

After create custom Scan and 3 reboot no more bug.

Hope it’ll not reappear really.

Don’t know where does it come from but it’s not normal really :o

Any answer from Avast Tk???

As this bug is present since a previous version…


Hi Gerald,

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. Known bug, the devs are working on a fix.

Anyone knows when Avast will be fixing any of their bugs?

Install the latest version.

I did…

This bug has been fixed already. Try a clean reinstall.

Clean Install of Avast:
If you need additional help with the Clean Install, watch this: