when I try to exit World of Warcraft My screen freezes although you can still hear the game’s sound playing in the back ground. The only way to fix it is buy right clicking on the game icon on task bar and closing the window. I turned off game mode and now game closes properly so would like to see fix for this issue.
I am a fan of WoW and this is not the first error caused by avast. I had the same error when ‘game mode’ was enabled. I am planning on never using avast again (since WoW has no alternative but avast has lots of alternatives). I don’t plan on ever paying avast again.
Set a exclusion for it and that doesn’t solve the problem see if disabling the behavior shield makes a difference.
SOLVED…uninstall the game support component from Avast.
I had constant disconnects and freeze in WoW 7.2 …now they are gone.
It is not enough to disable it or include WOW in it and it doesn’t matter if I use 32 or 64 bit wow.
If Avast fix it, I’ll try the component again.
thanks for notice. The issue should be fixed now.