Screen Saver Advice


I have avast! Anti Virus Pro, and I am interested in initialising the, ‘screen saver thing’… I looked at the help files in my program, and also did a search here to see if something comprehensible to me was available, but I am feeling a little cross eyed about it, and how to do it…

I would be interested in knowing the different options, is there an: avast! screen saver?

Or is it just that avast! does its thing, when the regular windows screen savers are active?

If so, how to I utilize it? Please do not quote from the Help Files, they did not make much sense to me when I read them…

(I have Windows XP Home, w/SP2 if that is relevant somehow.)


Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

  1. Start menu → Control Panel
  2. After the Control Panel opens, double-click on the Display icon
  3. Click on the Screen Saver tab
  4. Click on the drop-down menu under Screen Saver to expand it and choose the Screen Saver “avast! antivirus”
  5. Click on the setting-button to see what settings you have for this Screen Saver


I had overcomplicated it in my mind, and was looking ‘in’ avast! itself, for the answers, when it was really much simpler… Thank you for being so clear about it, and for the welcome… ;D