Screensaver bug in program update 4.1.319

After Avast did the program update 4.1.319 and restarted Windows XP, the Avast screensaver doesn’t work anymore. How can I fix this problem ?

What do you mean, doesn’t work anymore?

The avast screensaver doesn’t start anymore. When I start the avast screensaver manually nothing happens.

I don’t quite understand. How do you start the screen-saver manually?

I’ve just checked that the following works under XP with build319:

  • Control Panel, Display settings
  • Screensaver tab, select avast antivirus, click Properties.
  • Select a real screensaver (I use Starfield for experimenting) and confirm with OK


  • Click Preview → it works
  • Wait for the screen saver to start after X minutes of idle time → it works.


I checked the XP-processes. I saw multiple versions of Avast screensaver running in background!! Each time you start the Avast screensaver he start a new background process. Before the program update the Avast screensaver was started in foreground.

To manually start Avast screen saver I use button preview.

I killed all the background processes and tried again. Avast nows runs in foreground. It seems to work now. I don’t know why Avast screensaver suddenly started as a background process. It is the first time that it happens and by coincidence just after the Avast program update.

Try killing’em all, selecting Starfield as the base screensaver and clicking the Preview button.

I doubt it’s something new in v4.1.319 - I just checked the sources and they have not changed at all since the last version.

Hehe nice simultaneous posting! :wink:

Glad it works now.

Ok. Thanks for your fast response.

Just to confirm: for me, with XP Pro SP1, avast! screen saver works like ever previous version… :smiley:
Not a trouble at all, not proccesses in background 8)