screensaver stoped working 64bit

hi.ive recently chosen this antivirus software off the internet because it was 64bit compatible.i ran the program and it works fine.the problem i have is that something from avast has gone into my screensaver panel and none of my screensavers will start up.can anyone may have nothing to do with this software as this is a newly configured pc.although i did have a screensaver running but avast was going all over the screen.thanks for any help enz

I’m afraid that right now, avast! can work together only with 32bit screensavers (and not OpenGL, erm…). With 64 bit screensavers, the avast! window will probably not be visible at all.
It seems that there is no usable option in WinXP x64 at the moment (I mean the default screensavers) - unless you install some 3rd party ones.

In any case, if you simply set a different screensaver in Display Properties / Screen Saver (not the avast! one), avast! should not interfere with your desktop in any way. If it still does, the problem is probably somewhere else.

thanks for the rapid response.obviously i tried to utilise the other screensavers,the same as i always have since seems that the ability of avast to do its job whilst a screensaver is running and display this fact,has somehow triggered a conflict as i can neither run any of my screensavers or more importantly,set the powerdown function of my screen.this is a newly built games machine with sli,amd 3700+.2gb memory and a shiny bach case by thermaltake (wich incedently does not display the media vfd under 64bit) and the screensaver issue (being the top of a large list) is bugging me.thanks for youre response/endryck