Screensaver timing??

I’m using the Avast screensaver. But somehow it keeps changing the idle time before it kicks in. I like to have my screensavers kick in at about 9 minutes. But I check the screensaver when it doesn’t kick in after a while and the idle time is usually set quite high, never less than 90 minutes. I’ve seen it as high as 105 minutes. I reset it to what I want, but then a while later, sometimes hours or a day, its back to the higher idle time. And yes, I click the “apply” and “OK” buttons to save my settings. Does anyone have any ideas what is going on and / or how I can get it to do what I want? ???

I’ve never experienced this… but, maybe, it’s just a guess, avast! screen saver is trying to scan and the computer never gets on the idle mode…
But what is increasing the idle time is the problem and the mistery ::slight_smile: :o ???