Script Bkocker not working again


I am wondering if any one else is having trouble with Script Blocker.
In August i started having trouble Script blocker Resident protection says it running.
But does not count anything.

Now for some reason it has started again.

ETC Last Scanned
Last Infected
Scanned count = 0
Infected count= 0

I have been using IE6 for over 2 hours and none of the above has changed.

Last time this happened to me i had to do a reinstall of Avast it would be okay for a while and go back to not recording.

I use dial-up, when I get disconnected: I will do a reboot and if Script Blocker dose not work I will be Looking around to Change my Virus Scanner. As i will not Uninstall and reinstall Avast like i did before to get Script Blocker Working.

I like Avast but I haven’t got the Faith in avast as i used to.

As never found out what caused this, except I was told it has to be my Operating System as no one else is having trouble.
Clearly this isn’t the case as i have read other posts concerning the same problem.

I am using WindowsXP SP2 Home Edition.

Off course I may just go to Avast Home Edition ;D

Cheers crofty59

First of all, do you have Internet Explorer checked in Script Blocking configuration? (Protected Programs).
Do you have the “Show splash windows on startup” option checked? If yes, do you see the avast! splash when starting IE?

Hi igor
The answer is Yes to all.



Rebooted no change. >:(

Did Avast repair No change >:(

UN installed Avast Rebooted
Installed Avast Rebooted ???

Now Script Blocker is working again. :slight_smile:
Exactly the same fix as last time. >:(
This is the last time I will do this to fix up Script blocker as i don’t Know why it does this. :-\

If i lose it again that is the end of Avast for me.
If I lose Script Blocker i leave myself open to be infected by script viruses.
I find that this is unacceptable and I will look at paying for another Virus scanner and hopefully I will be protected against Scrip viruses.
I’m A very unhappy camper :frowning:

Cheers ;D

Honestly, the Script Blocker is rather an obsolete feature today - almost everything that avast! Script Blocker could detect will also be detected by avast! Web Shield (and much more). The only occasion where Script Blocker has an advantage (against Web Shield) would be running the malware from disk - but during browsing, you are completely protected by Web Shield, there’s no need for Script Blocker.

Anyway, do you have any similar tool installed? Or something that might hook (and affect) the running processes in some way, possibly preventing the scripts to be passed to avast? Or any kind of IE extension?

Thanks igor I wasn’t aware of that, shows my ignorance about what script blocker does.

Yes I have Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta installed.
I also have Script trap installed but disabled .

Cheers and I"m getting to be a happy Camper again.

You can ofcourse switch to a browser that is less vulnerable for possible harmfull scripts like Opera or FireFox.

Hi Eddy

I mainly use Firefox but to convince the rest of the family is another thing.

I will show them this but i don’t think they will ever change from IE.

cheers :slight_smile:

Crofty MS Antispyware has a script blocker :wink:

EDIT:Hihi i just noticed that the thread name is Script Bkocker… ;D

script blocker does scan from disc as igor said.

Hi darth.mikey Yea That is why I disabled Script trap was cause of MS Antispyware.

Hi timcan
The problem i got was No web pages would register in Script Blocker when using IE, but once i uninstalled and reinstalled it started working again.
Now what is showing in yours is similar to mine.

I can’t stay mad at my Avast for long :-*Avast


Glad you sorted it out Crofty :slight_smile:

If they insist on using IE and you have to keep cleaning up after them, put them on a limited user account (or you could apply a penalty, no internet for a week ;D ). This will limit the damage that can be done or have them use DropMyRights (see the link in my signature) to launch IE, this allows them to have a normal user account but only drops the rights of IE.

Whilst browsing or collecting email, etc. if you get infected then the malware by default inherits the same permissions that you have for your user account. So if the user account has administrator rights, the malware has administrator rights and can reap havoc. Wit limited rights the malware can’t put files in the system folders, create registry entries, etc. This greatly reduces the potential harm that can be done.

Appears to be working just fine on my system.
By the way, GreenBrowser and I use DropMyRights. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi DavidR

Crikeys if I tried to put them on any penalty’s I will most likely have to Attend a funeral “MINE”.

I will look into DropMyRights which I think will be more healthy for me.

Hi bob3160
Yep that is how mine looks now but for some reason the Script blocker just stops working it did it to me in August and now it is starting again. But i hope i only have to reinstall Avast once this time, last time took me 3 goes at reinstalling Avast before Script Blocker would work okay, without stopping.
This time so far so good.


I think that Script blocker won’t work if you have another script trap application like AnalogX or Script Sentry that redirects the script into the trap (in other works, block the scripts).

Hi Tech

The only other Script blocker I have working is the one in Microsoft Antispyware.

I have script Trap installed but Disabled.


Does anybody know how can we ‘disable’ the Microsoft Antispyware being blockiing the avast! Sript Blocker to work?

Yes, uninstall it ;D

I have MS Antispyware running and it’s not interfering with avast!'s Script blocker.